In partnership with the Downey Theatre’s 7th Annual Downey Día de los Muertos Art Festival “En la Casa”


November 1 – December 31, 2020

La Ofrenda is a virtual group exhibition in celebration of Día de los Muertos, featuring a collection of works by 54 Los Angeles County-based artists. This exhibition shares a space to honor the lives of loved ones who have passed and celebrate the unifying gifts of love, connection and remembrance.

View the artists

Ajna Blu
Albert Orozco
Bill Rademaker
Billy MJ
Camila M. Guzman
Carmel Katumba
Cat Helena
Cherry J.
Chloe Molina
Closed Door Creations
David A. Martinez
Edlin G. Lopez
Ellie Cota
Fernando L. Perez
Gabriel Varela
Heidi Yost
Jack Pharaoh
Jaime Moreno
Jesse Fregozo
Joey Angel Montoya
Joshua Sandoval
Juan Carlos Anguiano
Katherine Santos
Ketzie Diaz
La Creativa Amiga
Lindsay Parks
Luis Soto
Maria Phipps
Miriam Ramirez
Nestor Vargas
Noel Quintero
O.I.L. Beach
Pablo Papas
Polynesian Paradise Dancers
Ralph Banuelos
Ren Torres
Rene Rodriguez
Rhythm Harris
Ricky Ostendi
Roxanna Rendon Agin
Tamara Ramos
Teresa Riley
Yesenia Gonzalez
Zulma Calderon

Learn the traditions

Rooted in Aztec ritual and Catholic tradition, Día de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that celebrates death as a natural part of the human experience.

On this day, the souls of family, friends and loved ones who have passed are awakened and reunited with the living world. The living celebrate this reunion through lively gatherings, food, music and dance. Many families visit the resting places of their deceased loved ones or build ofrendas in their homes to leave offerings of remembrance – candles, bright marigolds called cempazuchitl, foods, sweets and colorful works of art.

Día de los Muertos is not a day of mourning, but of joy, celebration and acceptance. This holiday stands as a reminder that death offers infinite life. Our souls live on through the hearts and memories of those we love.




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In detail view, click the info icon for artist + artwork information

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La muerte es el comienzo de la vida eterna.

Death is the beginning of eternal life.


Unidos (2021)


human (Virtual Exhibition, 2020)