February 7 – 21, 2020

_________ by women

About the exhibition

Stay Gallery is pleased to present _________ by women, a debut group exhibition featuring the works of four artists – Melissa Arevalo, Luna Esparza, Marianna Flores and Josie Marlyn.

This exhibition highlights a colorful array of graphic design, illustration and photography that aim to inspire and empower female creators. _________ by women represents the infinite possibilities women can achieve. The title includes a blank line that allows viewers to fill the space with their own imagination. Determination by women, Creativity by women and Change by women are just a few examples.

This exhibition will feature an interactive installation where viewers can fill in the title of the exhibition on a personalized notecard. These notecards will be displayed on a board in the gallery. How would you fill it in?

Supported by Topo Chico

Exhibition flyer for blank by women – February, 2020

Exhibition flyer for blank by women – February, 2020

“We want to see more women in art and design. With our exhibition, we hope to inspire young girls to pursue their dreams and passion projects through positivity and authenticity.”

– Melissa, Luna, Marianna and Josie

About the artists

Featured alphabetically by last name


Melissa Arevalo

Melissa Arevalo is a graphic designer, illustrator and painter based in Los Angeles County. Her love for drawing, painting and photography began at a young age. Inspired by nature and color, Arevalo explores various visual experiences through her work. She is a college graduate with an A.S. Degree in Graphic Design, and has earned multiple certificates in different design disciplines. When she is not creating, she often spends time with her siblings watching silly comedies from the 80's or 90's, like Austin Powers.

Instagram | Website


Luna Esparza

Luna Esparza finds interest in issues relating to women and the shared connections they have throughout time and space, circumstance and illusion. Her preferred mediums are photography and painting, with a current focus on surrealistic collage photography. In her recent series, Mujeres Guerreras, Luna fuses images together to underscore the deep bond between women as they navigate the balance between hard existences on earth and retaining a sense of ‘self’. Luna highlights the raw strength and grace of women who pursue their hopes and dreams – even when they go unnoticed by those around them.



Marianna Flores

Marianna Flores is a graphic designer that weaves digital art with photography. Marianna was once an observer of the arts, but soon became an artist herself. Digital art became the outlet that she didn’t know she needed. Her inspirations comes from the beautiful views and delights of California, with every piece offering a peek into her vibrant memories. Being her first exhibition, Blank By Women is an exciting moment for Marianna as she embarks on her creative career.

Instagram | Website


Josie Marlyn

Josie Marlyn is a California based graphic designer that shows her optimistic sense of humor, dedication and admiration for color theory through design. In her newest body of work, Josie experiments with The True Notes – a series of posters derived from her personal experiences, thoughts and staying true to herself – through digital artwork, film, handwritten calligraphy and photography. Josie touches upon music throughout her work and its ability to produce powerful sound waves that move us and make us feel its positive energy. In her personal time, Josie enjoys dancing to loud music, meaningful conversations and hanging out with her pug, Nicholas the Third.

Instagram | Website


Exhibition highlights

View more photos from the opening reception:


human (Virtual Exhibition, 2020)


Perspectives on Acceptance (2019)